Platinum Sponsor

Branding inSMall is Big

  • 30 minutes speaker slot during the conference
  • Panelist opportunity during panel discussion
  • Stall space of 3 x 3 sq.mtrs (dxw) atSMall is Big conference venue
  • Stall space of 4 x 4 sq.mts (dxw) at SUBCON 2011 exhibition venue, where you have an excellent opportunity to showcase your products to 1.5 lakhs+ business visitors.
  • One full page color advertisement in SUBCON 2011 exhibitors directory (printrun of 50,000 copies)
  • Prominent Display of Platinum Sponsor Logo on the conference back drop
  • Strategic & standout display of Platinum sponsor logo on all conference marketing collaterals including pre-event DM's & EDM's conference brochures, invitations, advertisements pre & post event coverages in all leadings main stream news papers & B2B magazines.
  • Sponsor  Banner Advertisement (with Link to Sponsor Website) in our Conference Website (
  • 10 VIP invitations forSMall is Big conference.
  • 25 delegate passes for theSMall is Big conference.
  • 100 visitor passes for SUBCON 2011 exhibition.
  • Platinum sponsor brochure will be inserted inside the delegate bag.
  • Sharing of the delegate datas.
16 Sq.Mts. stall for 4 days in a very premium location

Branding in Vision Paper

  • Vision paper branding is exclusive for the platinum sponsor.
  • The Cover of the Vision Paper will have Platinum Sponsor logo and will be clearly marked "brought to you by Platinum Sponsor"
  • One page for the company profile of platinum sponsorer inside the vision paper.
  • Advertisement in inside front cover of vision paper
  • Advertisement in inside back cover of vision paper
  • 50 copies of this vision paper 2020 will be given to platinum sponsor for circulating to its key clients
  • The executive summary of the vision paper will be published in all the leading buiness and industrial journals & news papers.