Mr. C.B. Ananthakrishnan

Shri. C.B. Ananthakrishnan born on 29th August 1964 and after successful stint at other companies, joined HAL on 31 March 2004 as Chief Manager (Finance) and rose to the level of Executive Director (Finance) prior to appointment as Director (Finance) & CFO of the Company with effect from August 1, 2018.
He is a Commerce Graduate and Post Graduate in Business Administration from Madras University and is a fellow member of Institute of Cost Accountants of India. He has also received management and leadership training from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad and Institut Aeronautique et. Spatiale (IAS) Toulouse, France. Prior to his appointment as Director (Finance), he was holding the post of Executive Director (Finance) in Corporate Office of the Company and handling overall Financial Planning and strategy, treasury management and taxation.
He joined HAL in 2004 and has over 35 years of work experience in both public and private sectors with stints in merchant banking, pharmaceuticals, fertilizers and Aerospace Industries. During his stints in Helicopter Division as Head of the Finance, he was instrumental in developing financial strategies and policies for pricing, cost control and profit planning for achieving overall goals of the Company and also secured one of the largest Helicopter Contracts for the Company valuing in excess of Rs. 14000 Crore. He was instrumental for Conclusion of prices for Repair & Overhaul and Supply of Spares by 3rd Pricing Policy Review Committee (PPRC), Conclusion of 73 ALH Contracts for Army and IN & ICG and Implementation of Ind AS etc.
He has played a pivotal role during Initial Public Offering (IPO) and listing of the Company shares during March 2018. He was instrumental in securing orders of 83 LCA MK IA and 15 LCH.
Shri Ananthakrishnan has been entrusted with additional charge of Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) of the Company w.e.f 1st August, 2022. As CMD, HAL, Shri. Ananthakrishnan lead the company to a stellar show at Defexpo 2022 held at Gandhinagar wherein Hon’ble PM unveiled the HTT-40, basic trainer aircraft for Indian Air Force.
Under Shri. CB Ananthakrishnan’s leadership, HAL has taken up Indigenisation, Self Reliance as key thrust area for the company and towards this, an exclusive Indigenisation stall was organised to showcase success stories and opportunities available for Indian
private industries.
Shri C.B. Ananthakrishnan in the capacity of Chairman of Aerospace & Aviation sector skill council is contributing immensely to meet the challenge of skill development.
As part of Government of India’s ambitious programme to encourage innovation, C.B. Ananthakrishnan is appointed as one of the Director of Defence Innovation Organisation (DIO) which is doing pioneering work in providing impetus to technology start-ups in the country in Aerospace sector. He is also a Board Member of Indian National Space Promotion and Authorisation centre, Department of Space, Government of India (INSpace).
An avid reader and active in professional societies, Shri. Ananthakrishnan is a member of Governing Council of CMTI and CSIR-NAL.
Contact Details
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
Corporate Office
15/1, Cubbon Road
Bengaluru – 560001
Phone: 080-22320105
Mob: 95357 71251